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Emma Rach-Syslak

Monthly Art Classes For Adults

Oil, Watercolour, Graphite and Pastels are all mediums welcome in my class.

Emma Rach-Syslak is an up-and-coming Canadian fine artist specializing in still life and portraiture. At the age of 22 she is a graduate of the Florence Academy of Art, having studied in both New York and Sweden. She has studied under many famed artists including Cornelia Hernes, Stephen Bauman, Jordan Sokol, Amaya Gurpide, and Will St. John to name a few.

Emma Rack-Syslak's profile picture.

Adult Class Times:

9:30 - 12:30 pm
1:00 - 4:00 pm

Sign Up Online or Over The Phone!

Emma’s first solo exhibition was in 2019 in Canada and most recently, she has had private shows and exhibited her work in galleries in Sweden. She has won multiple awards for her art including the Queen’s Golden Jubilee for Visual Arts in Alberta in 2021.

In 2020, Emma was a featured artist in the Swedish Press and in 2023, her work was included in the limited-edition catalogue for the prestigious Spanish Figurativas art competition for the European Museum of Modern Art. She is currently honing her craft for further exhibition and teaching in Canada.

Emma Rach-Syslak's Artwork

Oil painting of a ripped up music note sheet.

Artist Statement

When you look at a painting, you get a glimpse into the human spirit and search for a connection or story. Capturing people and objects in traditional painting is timeless and innovative, a way to connect the old with the new. It builds upon the foundations of the past while pushing the boundaries of the present. My goal is to inspire viewers to stop, feel and wonder. As I paint, I dive into the essence of people and their stories furthering my own artistic journey and discovering myself.

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