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Karen Swearengen

Monthly Art Classes For Adults

Oils, Acrylics, Watercolour & Pastels are mediums welcome in my class.

Karen Swearengen is a Canadian artist born in Manitoba but has lived most of her life in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, where she presently paints and instructs. Her need for artistic expression was always inherent and nurtured by an artist's mother who emphasized the importance of form, line, and colour.

Karen Swearengen's profile picture.

Adult Class Times:

1:00pm - 4:00pm
1:00am - 4:00pm
6:00pm - 9:00pm
9:30pm - 12:30pm

Sign Up Online or Over The Phone!

Karen was a diligent and successful student winning local awards. She has enjoyed many specialized courses and tutorials over the years and feels fortunate to have benefited from a number of instructors and mentors. Karen has been an instructor herself since 1987 and communicates to her students the deep personal relationship one has with their work and so emphasizes the importance of personal style, backed up with a good foundation. Her goal is to give students the educational tools and the confidence to carry out their expressions and visions. Design principles apply to all mediums, many of which Karen is proficient in, including watercolour, acrylic, pastel and especially oil for its fluid quality.

Karen feels that a painting is like a musical orchestration bringing all the beautiful notes together to create a symphony for the heart and eyes. This is the exhilarating feeling experienced as the brush is laid to rest!

Karen Swearengen's Artwork

Painting of a black dog.

Artist Statement

Painting is like a musical orchestration bringing all the beautiful notes together to create a symphony for the heart and eyes.

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