Make your own gift cards! These blank cards make it easy for you to express yourself in watercolour, acrylic, oil, gouache, encaustic, markers, ink, graphite, etc. and to share your creations.
These Strathmore Cards are made specifically to hold up to any wet media including watercolours, acrylics or gouache. They are high quality acid-free cards made from 140lb cold press watercolour paper. The cards are 5” x 6.875” with matching envelopes that are 5.25” x 7.25”.
Available in packs of 6
Strathmore Watercolour Cards · Card Stock
Free shipping to Alberta or BC on orders $200 or more!
Shipping: Canada only
Shipping times: 3-5 Business days
Delivery: Calgary area
Delivery times: 1-5 Business days
FREE delivery on orders $100 or more
Delivery costs: $10 (Under $100)
Pick up in-store available
Order by phone: 403-258-3500
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